Company policy

Delivery S.r.l. has been operating in the road transport and logistics sector for over twenty years and is equipped with means, personnel and systems for the provision of services of: – Road freight transport – Storage and custody – Logistics operations – Various services

The Management undertakes, by making human, instruments, technological and economic resources available, to pursue the objective of continually improving the quality of the services provided, the safety and health of workers and the protection of the environment, as an integral part of its activity and as a strategic commitment with respect to the more general purposes of the company.

The intention of the company policy is to adopt all the necessary measures to ensure an effective and efficient work to the needs of all the interested parties in order to create all the synergies useful for achieving the priority objective, such as customer satisfaction with the involvement of staff of external stakeholders.

The company policy is based on the following points: Attention to Human Resources: – Continuously improve the skills of each individual employee through training and promoting self-training; – Satisfy the needs of collaborators by applying laws, rules, good practices applicable to them and respecting dignity and equal opportunities; – Share the successes and any failures that are the merit or demerit of the Team and not of an individual; – Offer an adequate working environment for what must be done and suitable for what must appear; – Management approach based on the analysis of the context, on the assessment of risks for the various areas (Quality – Occupational Health and – Safety – Protection of personal data) and on the satisfaction of requirements with reference to the D.Lgs 81/2008 and smi, and UNI EN ISO 45001: 18 standard. Attention to the customer: – Satisfy the customer’s needs, respecting professional ethics, offering the service quickly, transparently, flexibly and not offering a generic service; – Build customer loyalty by anticipating both implicit and unexpressed needs; – Offer, accept and share services that are ethically correct and carried out in compliance with rules, laws and good practices; – Remember that the customer “is not always right” by convincing him, when needed, to share the aforementioned statement, otherwise it is better to lose a customer. Attention to the Supplier – Define and apply criteria for the selection and qualification of Suppliers based on their proven ability to provide adequate tools and services in compliance with health and safety regulations and laws; – Activate collaboration activities with Suppliers in order to improve the services and products acquired that have a strategic impact on the services provided. Attention to the Company – Guarantee the planned management of corporate financial resources through development programs; – Carry out systematic checks on the company’s economic performance on the basis of estimates and final budgets; – Maintain compliance with European, national and local standards, with reference to the quality of the service; – Communicate the importance of the processes based on the risks analyzed. – To monitor these aspects, the Management establishes objectives in the short and medium term which are disclosed and shared at all levels of the organization; – Meet stakeholder’s expectations; – Vulnerability to climate change. This policy is reviewed at least once a year in conjunction with the management review. Date: 09/12/2024